Monday 26 November 2012

Typography In Trailer

For my trailer I have decided to use "action of the time new" which I downloaded from I have chosen this because I think that it stands out and does lightly convey the horror/thriller genre of trailers.


Wednesday 21 November 2012

Audio Issues

I am currently experiencing some issues in terms of adding a soundtrack and sound effects into my rough cut because I have located some sound effects which I want to feature in the video, however I am having trouble transferring them over to my final cut video. There seems to be an issue with saving the sounds as a compatible file type hat is able to be used within final cut.


Monday 19 November 2012

More editing 19/11/12

Where I currently have the cursor in this screenshot, I plan on using a sound effect of a "crash" sound because this will follow on well from the shot before it as it will create the effect of a forced entry into the room.

Here I have created a montage of two clips which have been cut into many separate parts and together I think that the fast paced cutting will work well with atmospheric music over the top to create tension.

Friday 16 November 2012

Beginning of Ancillary Tasks

These are screen shots of my first session of producing the ancillary products. So far I think that they are going fairly well, I am struggling with a couple of factors, mainly due to my knowledge of indesign is quite limited, however this is beginning to help me develop my skills further with the program.
In my opinion, I do think that the final products are going to look different to my initial designs, mainly in terms of placements on the page and colours etc.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Starting Editing 14/11/12

Today I have begun the editing process for my footage and these are a few screen shots of what I had achieved in the first session. I have roughly put together the first few clips and have begun to include transitions.

I have also started to try and alter the appearance of the clips through the use of filters because I want to partially saturate the colour of the clips to convey the genre I am using. So far the filters I have tried aren't what I require so I am going to need to continue looking at more as the editing progresses.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Filming Process

So far I have filmed the shots from my storyboard which are set indoors due to the weather. I think that it has gone okay at the moment, however it has been slightly difficult getting some angles because as the room I have filed in is rather small it has been hard to get the tripod in the correct position, but currently I am improvising my way around these issues by slightly altering the shots from that of my storyboard.

One major issue was trying to film reflections because the most common issue that has currently arisen was that it is difficult to get the shot of the reflection without getting the camera in shot. So I think that I need to experiment with different angles from what I had initially planned in my storyboard to ensure that the camera or any other equipment isn't able to be seen in the mirror reflection.

Monday 5 November 2012

Filming Extension

After the incidents which I stated in one of my previous posts, I have been able to have access to the school equipment (camera & tripod) for another couple of days, up until Thursday. So I plan to have all of my shots filmed by the end of this week, I will then progress onto the editiing process

Friday 2 November 2012

Delay on Filming... RAIN!!

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to complete my filming during the week of half term because the weather had unexpectedly turned to heavy rain which made conditions unsuitable for filming, mainly because of the risk of damaging equipment and also because of the effects which the rain had on health and safety on the location.

However I was able to film a number of shots which are set indoors, so it wasn't an unproductive week.