Monday 3 September 2012

BBFC Ratings Controversy

In the recent years of film, there have been many occasions where issues have arisen regarding the age rating of a film.

For example the 2012 film 'The Woman In Back' starring Daniel Radcliffe, became a major issue amongst the audience, especially parents as they felt that the content of the film was inappropriate and "too scary" for a 12 audience which is the certificate given to the film by the BBFC.
As of July 2012, the film has received over 120 complaints regarding the ratings issue, which is 3 times the amount which Darren Aronofsky's 2011 film Black Swan, which was again  another film which received complaints due to content and age rating.

"The censor, which doesn't normally release information about complaint levels until the full year has played out, told THR the Radcliffe starrer has already drawn 120 complaints, an unusually high level."
"Last year's most moaned about movie in the U.K. was Black Swan for which the BBFC received a third less complaints."

So this shows that to avoid any issues amongst the audience, the age rating needs to be chosen very carefully to ensure that the content complies with the given rating.

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