Saturday 22 September 2012


In terms of characters for my film, I want the main character which will be featured to be a young adult because I think that this will be more relevant to my target audience because it will allow them to relate more. I want this character to initially be shown as strong and slowly make the vulnerability of the character develop throughout some aspects of the trailer to display a transition in character development.
In terms of the protagonist, I don't want to feature them too much in the trailer because I think that this will build on the tension and suspense and this would be a method of attracting and gripping the audience with interest.

  • I have decided that the character in my trailer will have very simple costumes and they aren't going to be too different from everyday costumes because I think that protagonists in psychological thrillers don't usually wear extravagant costumes.
  • The colours of the costumes will be very minimal as I want to convey the mood and the tone of the psychological thriller genre.

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